How they no.xx.

2008 April 26

Created by Lisa cathcart ( i adored my nan,4ever in my heart) 16 years ago
The day i told sienna her nan had gone to heaven to be a angel, she was heart broken, after one hour she was okay and has been amazing since , she even told her little brother caden the very sad news , he didn`t understand, but the words of sienna "its all right mate you dont understand do you mate, dont worry when your older i will tell you all about her" Caden replied "yeah". What a amazing little girl who carries her nans strength she is just like a little nan ( pat to others). Caden , well since nan passed away he has not once asked for nannie pat. Where as before if the door bell went it was " nannie pat" , if we went to turn to go home from school it was " nannie pats" , if we pulled up at nans house he would go crazy with excitement. Even now when we go to nans he never asks where she is. There was times we went to the salon and anyone with blonde hair he ran over to thinking it was nan until he realised it was`nt and run of embarrased. Is`nt it amazing caden is only two year old but he just knows nan is not here anymore , well not in person. But he knows. Nan loved my children so much they made her so happy , and she made us so happy. We as a family will cherise our times forever in our hearts.x.